Original Touch Screen Temporary Repair GlueBuy a bottle to have around when you break your screen, buy a bottle now because you just broke your screen, buy a bottle and keeping using your touch screen device!

Original Touch Screen Repair Glue creates a new liquid glass coating over the broken areas of any touch screen device, sealing cracks, filling in voids where glass is missing and restoring the ability to touch and activate those areas of the screen. Once this fluid is dry, in about 2 minutes, the phone can expect no problems with sliding their finger and getting the screen to respond, just as before the glass was broken. While the Original Touch Screen Repair Glue will not make the cracks disappear, it will make the phone or tablet safe and usable again.

Ideally, when you break your screen on your touch screen device, you would simply go to the store and have it replaced. However, we do not always live in ideal times, the real world includes millions upon millions of people who depend on the use of their phones, but do not have the financial capabilities of plunking down hundreds of dollars when an accident happens to their phones and tablets. Thankfully, with Original Touch Screen Repair Glue, you can repair and live with those cracked glass phone screens for weeks and months before replacing the glass or the phone.

Original Touch Screen Temporary Repair Glue is perfect for filling in cracks in your touch screen glass.  The glue is like a liquid version of what your glass screen is made out of, so, when it dries, it still gives you the responsiveness of the glass that is on your phone or tablet.